After the Executive meeting held on 19/4/2020, we resolved to assist some of our members in need for this COVID-19 Pandemic that is ravaging the world.

We want to inform ASATR members that we shall assist from ASA Turkey purse and urged each and everyone of us who can as well help to assist the needy in our midst. Your free will donation either in cash or food stuff, or in Naira, Turkish lira or Dollar we appreciate. Looking at the level of this Pandemic which we do not know it's end. ASA Turkey Purse can not assist all the members in need because we can not keep our purse empty.

Therefore, we still appeals to everyone not minding any amount to help some of our members which is one of the benefits they can get from us.

Most of this people in need lives their homes during meetings, pay their dues and also contribute in one way or the other to move ASA Turkey forward.

Even Nigeria as giant of Africa are still collecting money from EU and our citizens to fight COVID-19. So ASA Turkey as well is not exceptional. God in his infinite mercy shall rewards us especially the donors.


Aksaray: PRO: 05340202185 or Asst Gen. Sec. Office: 05370369311.
Osmanbey: Treasurer: 05417874265 or V. Chairman Office: 05362066986.
Esenyurt: Royal African Store: WhatsApp: 05387791931.

Stay at Home
Stay Safe
Long live ASA Turkey
Long live Republic of Turkey.

Members Only